my weekend英语作文五年级

时间:2024-07-16 17:24:10
my weekend英语作文五年级范文(通用21篇)

my weekend英语作文五年级范文(通用21篇)

无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是小编精心整理的my weekend英语作文五年级,希望对大家有所帮助。

  my weekend英语作文五年级 篇1

My weekend life that is quite wonderful, I always feel that kind of funny.

First of all, I do not like to sleep late, Saturday, Sunday morning, I got up. In accordance with the practice, of course, is playing badminton. Father and mother can be more miserable, always want to take advantage of the weekend to sleep for a while. But every time I was reluctant to call from the bed, in many sports activities I only like badminton, I do not know why, in short from the early morning has been playing until half past seven to go home for breakfast, every time Is a smelly sweat, but it is not tired, feeling very comfortable.

And then the work is to deal with those boring tasteless no vitality of the operation of this. Did not go to the weekend all the teachers are great divinity. The tidal work is used to us, ok, but more. So the general can deal with. Soon after the operation even if the break came. But not finished Yeah, I have to complete their own extracurricular tutoring materials to buy, so that day passed on Saturday.

This freed, the rest of the time I was free to arrange. Most of the time I spent on the computer. Since the language teacher created a "wonderful pen flower" after I opened my own space. Weekly this week to write the story above, a long time, look back, very interesting. And then is concerned about the news, in fact, a lot of news on the site pictures and video is the TV, the newspaper did not. National events, the world news as long as the mouse, you can at a glance. I spent the most time with my computer. Read on the computer is very easy, and now provide a lot of free reading of the famous website, if the book is too wasteful, online reading is really very good, but there is a small problem, that is easy to fatigue, but eventually can overcome of.

This is my weekend life, very good?

  my weekend英语作文五年级 篇2

There are many more days on Sundays, and the number of shells on the beach is numbered. Now I'll pick one of the most beautiful, give you a look!

"Birds in front of the lead, the wind blowing to us, we like ......" I sing a happy song, while the father and mother, entered the door of Kowloon Park.

Yeah, so many fun toys Yeah, there are merry-go-round, there are torrent Yong Jin, naughty city, bumper car ...... let me see dazzling.

We first came to the rapids of the ticket office, bought three tickets, we have a family of three boat. Boat slowly drift drift drift, came to the rapids mouth, the boat immediately became oblique. To the highest point, accompanied by a small "ah" screaming, like a quarrel of the arrow-like rushed down, finally was scared, I long sighed, but did not l ……此处隐藏1681个字……oon,I went to the farm to helped the farmers pick apples.

Then I went to the home. In the evening.I went to the supermarket with my mother.It was interesting.

I really love this weekend.I hope every weekend happy.

  my weekend英语作文五年级 篇19

After five days of intense study and ushered in a Sunday. In others' eyes, Sunday is happy, can do myself like thing, but in my eyes, seems to be a disaster on Sunday, seems to have not belong to me.

By Friday night, all the other children in and parents happy watching TV beside the TV set. And I was ready to watch TV, see the mother said: "the upcoming exam, write your homework quickly! You finished the homework to sleep again." Mother's words like a needle pierced to my heart, makes me very sad, but "the female life difficult violations"! I have to reluctantly opened the exercise books, write up, very not easy to finish the homework on Sunday. A look at the table "uncle" has been finished the day, I went to his own room in a daze, fall asleep.

  my weekend英语作文五年级 篇20

On Sunday, lu, ling feng, sujing was with three classmates met several foreign visitors to the park. Three people happy to come forward to say hello: "HOWDOYOUDO!" Foreign tourists smiled at they said: "hello." In listening to, surprised and said: "do you speak Chinese very well." Where foreign tourists modestly said: "thank you, speak please you pointed out wrong." Ling feng proposed: "let's take you for a walk, we know that the most beautiful scenic spots here." Everyone nodded and said yes.

Lu brought foreigners to showroom with them. In the process of visit, in also don't forget to introduce the display of all kinds of cultural relics, speak of things, like a tour guide. Foreigner spellbound, repeatedly praised him.

In the coming attractions, ling feng, sujing was respectively play their director, shows their own elegant demeanour, foreigners are also a lot of fun.

  my weekend英语作文五年级 篇21

My sister and I had to get up, wash gargle finished, we began to a day of work.

Must assign the respective work first, I sweep the floor. Clean Windows, sister sweep the floor, someone will think: this is a big deceit small? You guess wrong, after all, the mop the floor live more tired? So I chose the dusting and cleaning Windows.

Work assignment well, I'll wipe a window to the sitting room, singing while clean Windows, interesting! For a moment, I saw the window railing parked a stare big eyes. Dead flies with the bulging belly. Then saw a spider, the spider extraordinary eyes, is really scary, I yelled: la la la, la la la, sister go down, and quickly said: "what's wrong?" I pointed to the spider was spinning a web, window: "this have what good afraid of." Sister said as he pulled the spider hook down, step on one foot, ah, this poor spider is really short life! I'm so sorry for it. We began cleaning, soon find out.

This is really happy. A happy day, I like this day!

《my weekend英语作文五年级范文(通用21篇).doc》
